Arabic Marketing Translation Services

Marketing Translation Services Overview

The translation of marketing documents is of utmost importance for any internationally oriented company, regardless of whether these documents are intended for internal or external use.

Arabic Marketing Translation Services

Marketing translation: a subject area in its own right

A translator specializing in marketing often has to rewrite a text, taking the intended audience into account. A strategy that is effective in the United States may not be greeted the same way in Europe. What is the point of promoting a product on the European market by comparing it to baseball? The translator must adapt the text, taking into account regional and cultural specifics of the target audience and, in this example, modify the references by using a sport better known in Europe, such as football. For this type of translation, it is also important to understand all the nuances and subtleties of the source language. After all, how do you translate and adapt a cultural reference or a play on words if you don’t understand it? Marketing translation is truly creative work, the kind that is usually reserved for advertising copywriters.

Marketing translations that promote your brand

The goal of all marketing is to reach your potential customers and convince them of the quality of your products or services. More and more companies are simply translating their marketing content into one language. To increase your company’s credibility and engage the interest of your target audience, it is important to provide on-brand messaging in your readers’ native language. Customers will be more likely to trust you, which will boost your sales. But beware of low-quality translations: in order for your message to be communicated well it must be adapted to the culture of your audience. For optimal results, the only solution is to entrust your projects to a professional translator who specializes in marketing. At EA Translations our skilled linguists will produce accurate translations of your marketing content, localized for the Arab audience.